Toothache SOS: Quick Fixes and Long-Term Prevention Strategies 


“Taming Toothache: Expert Advice and Practical Pain Relief “


Pain while eating

Experiencing pain while eating your favorite food can be annoying as well as a sign of something going wrong with your teeth or gums. There can be many potential reasons for a toothache which may include

  • Cavities
  • Abscess
  • Cracked tooth
  • A damaged dental restoration (like a filling or crown).
  • Teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism)
  • Gum disease


The initial and foremost step of tooth decay is a cavity(a hole in the tooth) which is usually painless but sensitive to hot and cold food/drink i.e. ice cream, coffee, etc. Unfortunately, cavities can’t stop themselves from progressing but here’s the good news! A dentist can save your tooth by examining and diagnosing the cause of toothache.

Depending on the severity of the decay, the following treatment options may be advised:

  • Restoring the tooth with amalgam/composite
  • Dental crown
  • Inlays/Onlays
  • Root canal therapy
  • Extracting the tooth


Treating the toothache as soon as possible can save you from losing the tooth as well as an expensive treatment. So, get your appointment booked at Dental Experts and get your teeth treated by the finest dental surgeons in Lahore.

Bleeding Gums

Blood coming from your gums while brushing or biting an apple is a symptom of gingivitis (inflammation of gums). It can also point to other health issues including:

  • Vitamin deficiency(Vit C)
  • Hormonal fluctuations i.e pregnancy
  • Blood thinning medications
  • Blood clotting disorder
  • Diabetes

However, oral health-related issues are the main culprit behind bleeding gums which include:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Smoking
  • Gingivitis(early-stage gum disease)
  • Periodontitis(moderate to advanced gum disease)

Bleeding Gums

What to do if your gums bleed?

Consult a general physician to rule out any systemic disease or vitamin deficiency. If you are otherwise healthy then visiting a dentist or periodontist(gum specialist) can cure your complaint of bleeding by cleaning your teeth(removing plaque or calculus), more precisely termed as Scaling and deep cleaning, which can be done professionally at the dental clinic. It is a non-invasive procedure and can be opted for regularly either after 6 months or annually to help maintain your oral hygiene.

Crooked Teeth

Malaligned teeth are usually genetic. Difference between upper and lower jaw, shape and size of the jaws resulting in either crowding or spacing. Some childhood habits like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting can also cause narrowing of the palate which results in open bite.

While developmental and genetic defects are the main reasons behind the malalignment of teeth, injury from sports or RTA(road traffic accidents) can also result in crooked teeth by change or shift in the position of the teeth.

 Crooked Teeth

Malaligned teeth are usually genetic. Difference between upper and lower jaw, shape and size of the jaws resulting in either crowding or spacing. Some childhood habits like thumb sucking and tongue thrusting can also cause narrowing of the palate which results in open bite.

While developmental and genetic defects are the main reasons behind the malalignment of teeth, injury from sports or RTA(road traffic accidents) can also result in crooked teeth by change or shift in the position of the teeth.

Crooked Teeth


While crooked teeth are aesthetically unpleasing, they can also cause functional or phonetical issues. Therefore, orthodontic treatment should be opted as soon as possible. Orthodontic treatment also varies depending on the age of the patient

Jaw corrections at an early stage(before puberty) can be done using orthodontic appliances. However, jaw corrections needed after 18 years of age need surgical treatment.

Simple alignment of teeth can be done with the help of wires, precisely metal braces or more aesthetically pleasing invisible braces. So, get your teeth aligned by booking an appointment with the best orthodontist at Dental Experts.

Crooked Teeth

Yellow teeth/Staining

Not satisfied with the natural color of teeth? Want to brighten your smile at your upcoming cardinal event? No need to worry, Dental Experts has got your back.

Teeth getting yellow or darker in color is a natural phenomenon that increases with age, however, drinking tea or coffee can accelerate this process. The main compound that stains the teeth is tannins found in tea, coffee, and wine. Some other causes include:

  • Wearing of the outer surface of the tooth(enamel)
  • Exposure of the inner layer of the tooth(dentin)
  • Smoking
  • Foods and drinks
  • Antibiotics
  • Genetics

Crooked Teeth

There are different treatment options depending on the type of stain which can be only diagnosed by a dentist. Some of the options are listed below:

  • Bleaching aka whitening
  • Veneers for front teeth
  • Micro-abrasion/Macro-abrasion
  • Resin infiltration

Get your appointment booked at Dental Experts to get your teeth whitened using the latest laser technology.

Crooked Teeth

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